Access to our fitness centre and pool is free to all our hotel guests. For non-guests membership packages are available guests. For non-guests membership packages are available.
As part of a new partnership with Sensync, an immersive wellness company founded by Adam Gazzaley, Ph.D., and Alex Theory, Ph.D., The Vessel helps guests reset their brains with a host of customized journeys: Deep Space, Kairos, Ocean Cove, Zen Garden, Quantum Oneness, Crystal Cave, Lost Jungle, and Floating Clouds. Designed to relax and restore the mind, the experiences—Relax ($75, 20 minutes), Restore ($75, 20 minutes), and Full Spectrum ($135, 40 minutes)—allow guests to take a virtual journey into nature. Integrating aromatherapy, sound and music therapy, vibroacoustic stimulation, visual virtual reality, biofeedback and neurofeedback, meditation practices, and more, The Vessel helps spa-goers improve attention, reduce stress, and enhance their moods. As part of a new partnership with Sensync, an immersive wellness company founded by Adam Gazzaley, Ph.D., and Alex Theory, Ph.D., The Vessel helps guests reset their brains with a host of customized journeys: Deep Space, Kairos, Ocean Cove, Zen Garden, Quantum Oneness, Crystal Cave, Lost Jungle, and Floating Clouds. Designed to relax and restore the mind, the experiences—Relax ($75, 20 minutes), Restore ($75, 20 minutes), and Full Spectrum ($135, 40 minutes)—allow guests to take a virtual journey into nature. Integrating aromatherapy, sound and music therapy, vibroacoustic stimulation, visual virtual reality, biofeedback and neurofeedback, meditation practices, and more, The Vessel helps spa-goers improve attention, reduce stress, and enhance their moods.
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